Sunday, September 25, 2011

Anthony Ch 7-8. Hall Ch. 5

Hello everyone,

As a reflection to the third class meeting I am going to discuss some of the comments I had during the discussion and in response to some of the discussions that were made. 

One thing that stood out to me was the first discussion about how some people had little to no knowledge about some basic computer education skills.  I find this to be the case as well because a lot of the older generations did not have computer education incorporated into their classrooms.  Hence when society became so technology driven years down the road, this did affect a lot of the older generations because they did not have adequate knowledge about a lot of the technological advances that were being seen in society.  Therefore I feel that it is vital that students in todays society get introduced to computer skills early in their education so that they are prepared to face this ever-changing society.

Another topic from the text that brought interest to me was discussion about how multi-media is driving a lot of technology in the classroom.  My example was about how the Breakthrough to Literacy program in my school is somewhat of a good and bad thing.  First the program includes a ton on multi-media because it involves alot of interactive games, videos, etc.  All of these things engage the students more into the learning process of literacy skills; however the teachers are required to make sure that each student is on the computer program every day for 15 minutes. This can hinder the educational process when so much time is being taken away from instructional delievery but at the same time enhances their educational skills on computers.

One other thing that I thought was interesting was how blogs are considered one of the most used social networks on the internet.  This was interesting to me because prior to the course I had never used a blog but it's interesting to see that schools are now incorporting blog use into some of their classrooms.  I teach kindergarten, but if I was teaching a middle school or high school course, I would think that it would benefit my students if they were to keep journals through blogs.  Overall its an interesting chapters in the Anthony text and the Hall text brought some interest as well.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Anthony Ch 4-5. Hall Ch. 3

This reading was of some interest to me but it mostly discussed some concepts I was previously familiar with in the Anthony reading.  One thing that did stand out to me was the information about office automation.  I thought this was interesting because I do see great use of this in my current school of employment and in every school that I have taught or assisted in.  I agree with the text when it states that word processing software has become an industry in itself.  The use of this software can be seen in almost in career setting but especially in teaching when alot of the "admistrative" aspects of teaching are done though one, if not all of the processing sofware packages mentioned.

 Of all the information discussed in this text, the web on page 63 really drove the information about office automation home for me.  I did not realize how office automation impacts not only the teachers and admistrators but numerous other mediums in the school environment.  My question to you all would be, do you think that if there was a complete breakdown in these software packages, could a school system still find other mediums to survive or would that cause a "freeze" in the school system?  I say this because alot of school systems depend on these packages for attendence, assessments, schedules, budgets, curriculum guides, newsletters, ets.  It seems that with schools becoming so dependent on software packages and technology, it would be extremely challenging for a schoool system to survive without its use. 

In reading in the Hall text, I was immediately drawn in by the quote that opened the chapter.  This quote from Joel Barker states "Vision without action is merely a dream; action without vision just passes the time; vision with action can change the world."  This can tell educators on a deeper level that they must have a framework of a vision and determine what measures success for them as teachers and for their students.  The theory of this text was stating to me that it is not enough to have a vision but but to develop a plan as to how the goals will be reached. 

As with any school there is a vision that is set in place to drive the organization with a sense of direction.  The vision of any organization generally tells of that the organization hopes to become.  The development of this vision should be put into place as a realistic and credible statement that hopes for a future that is better and more pleasant in vital ways that contribute more than the existing conditions.  This school as a whole should have a vision, as well as the school district.  But is it beneficial for teachers to have individual visions that drive the direction in their own classrooms? 

Friday, September 16, 2011

Anthony Ch. 6, Hall Ch. 4

This weeks reading was very interesting considering how my school district is pressing the issue of incorporating technology into the classroom.  My current school district has made many steps towards the issue of instructional technology.

One of the issues that stood out to me in the Anthony reading was the breakdown of the six critical issues in planning and implementing instructional computer applications.  I agree with all of these issues because they do all play a vital role in the success of computer technology being in a school or classroom setting.  The book mentions the access to hardwards and the role of the teachers and administrators first on the list.  It is clear that if schools do not have appropriate access to technology then it will be impossible to expose these mediums to students.  Also it is not just enough to have the material but to be able to make it meaningful and relevant to the learning experience of the students. 

The other two things from this list that I find to be the most critical would be the quantity and of the software and teacher preparation and training.  The availability of technology should be in such a way that students can work on some assignments independently and some in groups.  If there are not enough pieces of technology available to a set of students, this could hinder the learning process.  It is also important that teachers, the facilitators, are very familiar with the technology and can adequately demonstrate to students the use of technology and show how it adds to the curriculum.

In my school district, at the elementary grade level, there is an implementation of a computer program called Breakthrough to Literacy.  This program is built on enhancing literacy skills for students and gives them a variety of games and educational programs to assist them with literacy skills.  I see first hand how the use of this computer education program can get my 26 kindergarten students excited about learning and it exposes them to the basic skills of using computers.  This refers me to Anthony's mention of how instructional gaming software attempts to make learning fun by combining learning and entertainment.  The ability to add instructional technology gaming activities into a lesson will add variety to a student's day and allows them to learn through a supplement of typical instructional delievery.

The reading in the Hall text was a great enhancement to the reading in the Anthony text.  The mention of how technology should be used as a tool to support instruction is a widespread philosophy that is shared among many teachers.  The depth of this philosophy goes further to understand that the technology must be relevant, add depth to instruction and be engaging.  The overall context states that technology must add value to a classroom setting and not just become frivalous in nature. 

The implementation of technology in a classroom can add depth to any lesson if it is well thought out and planned by the teacher.  The benefits for the students can be shown through them having a better understanding of the curriculum.  Hence what they are being taught can be enhanced by technology.