Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Anthony Ch 4-5. Hall Ch. 3

This reading was of some interest to me but it mostly discussed some concepts I was previously familiar with in the Anthony reading.  One thing that did stand out to me was the information about office automation.  I thought this was interesting because I do see great use of this in my current school of employment and in every school that I have taught or assisted in.  I agree with the text when it states that word processing software has become an industry in itself.  The use of this software can be seen in almost in career setting but especially in teaching when alot of the "admistrative" aspects of teaching are done though one, if not all of the processing sofware packages mentioned.

 Of all the information discussed in this text, the web on page 63 really drove the information about office automation home for me.  I did not realize how office automation impacts not only the teachers and admistrators but numerous other mediums in the school environment.  My question to you all would be, do you think that if there was a complete breakdown in these software packages, could a school system still find other mediums to survive or would that cause a "freeze" in the school system?  I say this because alot of school systems depend on these packages for attendence, assessments, schedules, budgets, curriculum guides, newsletters, ets.  It seems that with schools becoming so dependent on software packages and technology, it would be extremely challenging for a schoool system to survive without its use. 

In reading in the Hall text, I was immediately drawn in by the quote that opened the chapter.  This quote from Joel Barker states "Vision without action is merely a dream; action without vision just passes the time; vision with action can change the world."  This can tell educators on a deeper level that they must have a framework of a vision and determine what measures success for them as teachers and for their students.  The theory of this text was stating to me that it is not enough to have a vision but but to develop a plan as to how the goals will be reached. 

As with any school there is a vision that is set in place to drive the organization with a sense of direction.  The vision of any organization generally tells of that the organization hopes to become.  The development of this vision should be put into place as a realistic and credible statement that hopes for a future that is better and more pleasant in vital ways that contribute more than the existing conditions.  This school as a whole should have a vision, as well as the school district.  But is it beneficial for teachers to have individual visions that drive the direction in their own classrooms? 

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