Sunday, December 2, 2012

Educ 639 Wiki Reflection

Wiki Use One: During my first log in I added my articles for the wiki. That articles were each uploaded as PDF files for the group to review for the possibility of using the articles in the final paper. After these articles were submitted they were reviewed by each group member and then used for the final reference list on the wiki literature review. Wiki Use Two: During my second contribution to the wiki literature review I researched about the special education vs general education information. In this component of our review I researched 4 main articles and these articles provided various information about this topic. I added this information to the wiki and emailed it to my group. Wiki Use Three: During my third contribution to the wiki literature review I added graphics to the wiki. I searched for graphics to match each of the headings for our literature review and uploaded the files onto the wiki. I also compiled a list of the comments from the peer wiki literature review and submitted our comments to our editing group. This list took the comments from each of my group members and were divided into subgroups that were organized under headings. This list was then sent to the group for them to make changes to their document.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Tysheonna,
    Thanks for getting this done :) To receive full credit, you need to post 3 wiki reflections - beginning of the process - midway through the process - and end of the process.
    Let me know if you have questions :)
